Light in the Storm: 3 Ways General Conference can Bless Your Life

Sep 19, 2023

Written by: Josh Nielsen

As a ship navigates through raging storms and colossal waves which test the resolve of its crew, a light house stands fixed, providing guidance and direction. It’s warm light cutting through the darkness, giving hope to weary sailors navigating towards its beacon despite the calamity surrounding their vessel. 

Much like a ship in troubled waters, General Conference acts as a lighthouse for the storms that unavoidably come in my life. Twice every year, the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gather from around the world, to provide messages of guidance, instruction, inspiration, and hope to members of the faith and anyone who wishes to learn more of Jesus Christ and the good news of his Gospel. All are welcome. My life has been blessed immensely from this semiannual gathering, but here are three worthy of mention.

1. General conference helps our youth build a solid foundation on Jesus Christ.

Now more than ever, the challenges facing youth are daunting. From finding acceptance, to remaining optimistic in times of uncertainty, and trying to live a morally clean life in an ever secular environment, the difficulties facing today’s young people far outweigh those of my day. As a concerned father who unconditionally loves his children, General Conference provides invaluable lessons from which to teach a solid foundation on the rock that is Jesus Christ. 

2. General conference helps unify families.

In addition to guidance for my children, the messages provided in General Conference are centered towards the family unit. From General Conference I am taught how to strengthen my family with sermons on how to be a better father, a better husband, and a better man. Despite what may be controversial to some, the unified family with a father and mother equally leading, is critical to a healthy individual with a higher probability of success and happiness through their lifetime. General Conference helps me obtain a unified family, a profound blessing indeed. 

3. General conference teaches us to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.

Last and most important, General Conference has blessed me with a greater understanding of Jesus Christ. The more I learn of His selfless life and ministry, the more I want to emulate the example He gave us all. I find I am most happy when I try to follow his lead and love my fellow man. In the New Testament he commanded, “As I have loved you, love one another.” A new commandment that despite being so simple, can seem overwhelming at times. General Conference has blessed me by teaching how to mirror the life of Christ as best I can, teaching humility and charity for my fellow man. 

I am blessed by General Conference and grateful for the opportunity it gives to learn and gain greater understanding of what is possible. As the captain of my ship, it is the lighthouse which helps navigate my life to safer waters from the inevitable storms that will come. 

Tune in to watch General Conference September 30th-October 1st. You learn more about general conference and how to view it here.



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